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I have had a fab week so I’m going to put it into 4 words!

It all started last Friday when I met my Besty, Lynn, for lunch… and by ‘lunch’ we obviously meant cake.

Lynn and her giant snickers bar muffin
My Week in Four Words
My triple chocolate giant muffin

After lunch I went for a wander along Queen Street and came across Santa’s Grotto! I don’t know how I stopped myself from going in

Santa’s house


4 words
Santa lives in this room!!

I can’t walk passed Lush these days without popping in to buy a bath bomb/melt/thingy and I found the best one ever

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Christmas and glitter… my 2 favourite things!
Anyone who knows me knows I LOVE Christmas but I try really hard to contain it until 1st December. On this date though I go Christmas nuts!
Buddy… everyone’s favourite elf
The next day I set off to Bournemouth to spend a few days with my family. While there I like to take my boy Winston to the beach… he loves the beach!
Keeping a safe distance from the water


Beach zoomies


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Me and my happy boy


I decided to take a little bit of the beach home to my garden
Pretty pretty shells
One of the best bits about a visit to Bournemouth is that my dad always makes my favourite cake
4 words
As you can tell, I love cake. If you ever struggle with deciding whether to eat cake or not then follow this simple flow chart…
So to sum up my week in 4 words… Besty, cake, beach, cake!